Bryan Cox is the Lead Computer Science Program Specialist at the Georgia DOE. At the GaDOE, Bryan is responsible for broadening participation in Computer Science educational experiences in Georgia and building Computer Science into a K-12 discipline. He develops and offers training opportunities and other supports for Computer Science teachers and organizes the state Department of Education’s Computer Science Advisory Council. He is a backbone member of the CS4GA collective and serves on several advisory committees for CS initiatives around the state. Prior to working for the GaDOE, Bryan spent 8 years as a High School STEM teacher, teaching math, computer science, and engineering courses, mostly within the Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education department. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Instructional Technology from Georgia State University with a research focus in online learning and computational thinking. He also received an M.A.T. in mathematics from GSU and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from Florida A & M University. He has spent time working as a network designer, computer technician, and an after-school and summer youth programs coordinator.